DK: Hej kære, en lille update herfra øen. Vi nyder det i fulde drag. Den første dag og hele morgenen har det stået ned i stænger. Regn i lange baner og helt vildt overskyet. Heldigvis tittede solen frem sidst på dagen, og jeg sprang ud af bilen og dansede lidt midt på parkeringspladsen mens jeg fik Miguel, Olga’s kæreste til at knipse et par billeder af mit nye outfit. Hele looket kan du finde nedenfor. Solkinskys fra Øen! Love S
Skirt: Mademoiselle R here / T-shirt: Similar by NLY Trend here / Sneakers: Ellos shoes here / Sunglasses: Zara here / Lips : L’Oréal Paris here /
EN: Hi sweeties, a small update from the island. We enjoy it so much here. The first day here it has been pouring down, rain and clouds all over, but suddenly today the sun came out, and I jumped out of the car to dance a little bit in the middle of the parking place while I got Miguel, Olga’s boyfriend to snap a few pictures of my new outfit. The entire look with links you can find above. Sunny kisses from the island! Love S
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Love this outfit, it looks so light and young! Great job!
Have a nice holidays,
with love 4Styler
Love this outfit, it looks so light and young! Great job!
Have a nice holidays,
with love 4Styler
Love this outfit, it looks so light and young! Great job!
Have a nice holidays,
with love 4Styler
Love this outfit, it looks so light and young! Great job!
Have a nice holidays,
with love 4Styler
Love this outfit, it looks so light and young! Great job!
Have a nice holidays,
with love 4Styler