Vil du med til Dubai?

 DK: Drømmen der kunne blive til virklighed.
Hvide sandstrande, sol og varme, smuk arkitektur, overdådig luksus, romantik og eventyr.
Jeg ville bestemt ikke have noget imod at tage en veninde eller Deni under armen for at tage til Dubai på smukke eventyrer., som er et nyt lækkert koncept der tilbyder os luksuriøse hoteller til billigere penge, har i forbindelse med deres lancering her i marts  2015, LIGE NU en  giveway hvor du kan vinde et luksusophold i Dubai for to personer!  Jeg har allerede tilmeldt mig, og jeg vil bestemt anbefale du også tjekker det ud, for WAUW! Der er tale om de lækreste håndplukkede fire og fem-stjernede hoteller, i alle de største byer, samt skønneste ferie destinationer. Jeg har hørt at de blandt andet starter op med destinationer som London, Paris, Barcelona, Dubai, Bangkok, New York, Miami & Tilmelder man sig konkurrencen, får man også besked som en af de første, så snart åbner op for salg i marts. Jeg rejser jo mange gange om året, så et koncept som er for mig genialt.
1000 søndags knus S

EN: The dream could become reality.
White sandy beaches, sun and heat, beautiful architecture, sumptuous luxury, romance and adventure. Sounds good huh?
I certainly would not mind taking a friend or Deni under my arm to travel to Dubai on a beautiful adventur., is a new amazing concept that offers us luxurious hotels to cheaper money, and in connection with their launch here in March 2015, they RIGHT NOW have the giveway where you can win a luxury stay in Dubai for two people! I have already signed up, and I would definitely recommend you to do the same – cause WAUW!
They have the most delicious handpicked four and five-star hotels in all the biggest cities and holiday destinations around the world. I have heard that they will start up with amazing cities like London, Paris, Barcelona, Dubai, Bangkok, New York, Miami & if you sign up to the competition, you also get the message as one of the first ones, as soon as opens up sales in March. YOU SIGN UP HERExoxo S



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