DK: Selvom jeg er på business trip i jylland, har jeg aldrig for travlt til at shoppe på iPaden! Jeg har set mig helt sindsyg varm på dette pleated midi skirt fra Topshop.
Bestilt! Mix med fine striktrøjer, fest toppe eller en hvid skjorte. Et af sæsonens musthaves. Se inspiration til sammensætning nedenfor.
EN: Just because I am busy on a business trip in Jylland, I am never too busy for a little shopping on the iPad! I’ve seen me completely crazy in love in this pleated midi skirt from Topshop.
Just ordered! Mix it with fine knit sweaters, party tops or a simple white shirt. This pleated midi skirt is one of the season’s must-haves. See the outfit inspiration below how to mix a pleated midi skirt.